Case Studies

Sedimentation tank odor control

Sedimentation Tank Odor Control at Gwangju STP


  • Gwangju STP treats 60,000ton/day of wastewater, 330ton/day of sludge. City expansion and residential development


  • Six odor control systems of Standard with Pre-Scrubbing type Yusung Wet-Scrubbers with caustic soda, sodium hypochlorite, water scrubbing liquid
  • FOR four sedimentation tanks of 500㎥/min, 510 ㎥/min, 490㎥/min and 530 ㎥/min and two sludge thickeners of 440 ㎥/min and 520 ㎥/min


  • Six wet scrubbers installed by 2018 treat 2,990 ㎥/min of foul air.
  • 99.5 percent of H2S removed